Thursday, August 2, 2012

Kaida's potty training!

Kaida has been wearing the same diaper for her naps for 4 or 5 days now.  I'm impressed.  She's stayed dry through her naps for more than a week.  Eventually I'm going to have to wash it just because it gets a little sweaty but it's still pretty cool!

But backing up, Kaida is potty training!  She had a dry diaper all morning one day last week. so I figured that was as good a time as any to give the potty thing another try.  She's much better about sitting on the potty now.  We still need to entertain her a little but she'll sit there. 

She isn't a huge fan of actually using the little princess potty we bought her.  Luckily the potty seat is multi function.  The seat from it comes off and is a potty seat adapter for the big toilet. Then the lid comes down and it turns into a step stool.  So she uses the toilet in the bathroom.  If she's naked she can climb up on the toilet by herself but usually we help her.  (We got a new toilet and it's very tall.  It's almost uncomfortable for me it's so tall).
So now the princess potty is a step stool / success sticker repository.

It took a little while but it seems like she's figured out how to relax enough to actually pee when we put her on the potty.  In the beginning I put the princess potty in the bathtub with her on it and ran the water a little.  That made her pee and after that she seemed to catch on pretty quick about what she was supposed to do while sitting on the potty.

She gets a sticker and an M&M or gummi bear when she goes on the potty.  If she pees on the floor she gets a reminder that we're supposed to pee on the potty, then changed, and then she helps clean up the puddle.

Where we need a lot more work is getting her to tell us when she needs to use the potty.  She's very good about poop but I think pee still takes her by surprise sometimes.  So right now I just make sure to ask her frequently and put her on the potty at least every hour depending on how much she's had to drink.

She's had two afternoons where there were no accidents and this morning she had no accidents too!  I had her in a diaper to go to the Dr. yesterday.  She told me "Pee" while Colin was being checked but I told her she could go in her diaper.  After we were all done we stopped in the bathroom.  She hadn't used the diaper and she went on the potty!  It was pretty exciting!

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