Thursday, May 24, 2012

Potty Training

Today we started to introduce potty training.  Yesterday we bought a potty and some underwear at Target.  I was thinking of getting the one from Babies R Us that has Elmo and an aquarium and does all sorts of stuff but I didn't see it on their website so I wasn't sure they had it anymore.  In the end we bought the princess one that sings when you pee in it.

We tried to have her sit on it last night but she wasn't too interested in that.  She went diaperless for a while and somehow she managed to pee on the floor while we were otherwise occupied.

This morning I gave her lots of juice and she sat on it for quite a while.  But then she would get bored and start hopping off of it every other minute.  So I would put a diaper on her and let her play.  Then she would pee (usually within 10 minutes), tell me her diaper was wet, and want to sit on the potty again.  It was a vicious cycle (and we burned up what is normally almost a whole day's supply of diapers in just a couple hours).  But then I managed to catch her on the potty when she peed.

She was pretty impressed that it was singing to her and then she wanted to play in it.  So we went to the bathroom and dumped the cup.  Then we flushed the toilet and the only way to get her away from constantly pushing the flusher again was to tell her she could wash her hands.  Then the only way to get her away from the sink was to tell her she had to dry her hands so she could get her sticker.
The first time we called Daddy to tell him all about it.  She said "potty" about 20 times over and over.  It was adorable.

So by that time the score was Diapers - 4, Floor - 1, Potty - 1.

I put a diaper on her when I went to take my shower and she had just been calling me when I came down.  She must have been distracted because I went to the kitchen for a minute.  When I came back her diaper was half off and there was a poop in it.  I went to get wipes and while I was gone she got the rest of the diaper off and sat on the potty.  Unfortunately that just covered the potty in poop.  She was totally trying to work it to her advantage thinking "maybe I can get another toilet flush or sticker out of this."

By this time she had decided she didn't want to wear diapers anymore so it was quite the wrestling match to get her into a diaper for her nap.

She didn't want to eat lunch when she woke up, she just wanted to sit (and not sit) on the potty.  We had one more success in the afternoon and 2 more floor accidents (although I got smart and laid out the sheet we put under her high chair to catch a little of it).  One of the floor accidents happened over a clean diaper so I guess that's one diaper for the afternoon plus the nap diaper.  For the second floor accident she was coming over to me and saying Mommy, Mommy.  Maybe she was telling me she had to go.  I hope that's what it was anyway.

So, Score: Diapers - 6, Floor - 3, Potty - 2.

Then we had to go to the grocery store.  She threw a fit about putting a diaper on again so I bribed her with one of Colin's Mickey Mouse diapers.  I only heard "Diaper" once the whole two hours so I think she really can't tell as much when she's peed in a disposable.

Tomorrow I'm planning to leave the potty in the bathroom and I'll just take her in there every 20 minutes.  She'll throw a fit about wearing a diaper but I don't think I want to break out the underwear until she's actually ready to wear it.

So, yeah.  Suggestions are welcome.


  1. Slow down with the idea of "potty training." work on just rewarding her for telling you when she does it and IF she goes into the potty, then you could entertain the idea or you will be just frustrating yourself.
    Continue to reward her with praise and maybe stickers if she told you she peed in her diaper and she knew it. She doesn't seem ready for it all just yet, since she doesnt seem to know before she goes, but still after more often. If you get frustrated, this will be a very LONG process, instead of something to look forward to. Switch to pull ups if she doesn't love the idea of diapers. Tell her they are big girl panties and for now, that introduces a FUN new way to treat her big! She is getting close, but I think there are still a couple steps before you are ready just yet... Just my opinion.

  2. Yeah, I think she might be more excited about the idea of the potty than actually ready for it. I'll keep taking her in if she asks but otherwise I think we'll ignore it.

  3. I have no potty training advice. Maybe put her in the yard naked when she has to go? I just wanted to say I like the new color scheme/theme you've got going on here.

    Hope we see you guys soon!

    1. Thanks! And I was thinking of just putting plastic down...

  4. Addy still isnt completely potty trained because they are so little, that you have to go at their pace or they I'll just change their mind on the whole thing! When we are home, she doesn't have any accidents any more or when we are by ourselves just running errands or something... When we are at someone else's house, she just can not make it to the potty. She is so busy that it just isn't important.

    Start with the recognition of the fact that she went, and see if it turns into telling you before she goes, but otherwise, you may still have a little while. The fact that she is talking about it, is a great step... But making sure you do it at her pace is so important. :)

    P.s. I hope you are going to buy a second potty when Colin is ready to do this! Lol poor baby has a purple room and pink potty! Hehe ;)

    1. Yeah, she's a very busy girl so I think that's going to be a big problem for us.
