Wednesday, December 15, 2010

4 Month Doctor Appointment

Kaida had her 4 month Dr. appointment today.

She weighed 11 pounds 5 ounces - 8th %
Was 23.5 inches long and - 24th %
Her head was 41.1 Cm in circumference. - 57th%

So she's gained a pound in two months, a quarter inch in height and 2 cm around her head. He didn't seem too concerned about her growth even though her pecentages are jumping all over the place.
She looks healthy so, as alarming as the measurements are, I'm just going to go along with it. She's a small baby. She was small when she was born and she's just continuing that trend.

She had two more shots and the oral vaccine today. She didn't scream nearly as much as she did last time. Probably because JR was there and I wanted him to see how awful it was so it actually wasn't awful at all. Or maybe she's thrown way more fits like that since then so now I'm used to them.

He said we can wait to start solid food until she shows some interest and starts seeming hungry. Like if she's waking up to nurse in the middle of the night. She did that for a little bit over Thanksgiving but I'm pretty much discounting anything that happened at Thanksgiving since we got so completely off schedule.

He did seem a little concerned that she's not rolling over yet so he prescribed more tummy time. Oh boy!

1 comment:

  1. We remeasured her height when we got home and she was 24.5 inches. She was kinda scrunched up at the doctor's office.
